
Diversity Directory

Pearn Kandola

Pearn Kandola

Pearn Kandola business psychologists are widely recognised as leaders in the field of equality and diversity. We not only design and deliver diversity strategy and interventions, succeeding where others have failed, our research, understanding and innovative approach drive the business diversity agenda forward in the UK and internationally.

No Barrier Consultants

No Barrier Consultants

We are an innovative diversity and disability consultancy that can help your organisation value and benefit from all your employees and customers. Formed in 1999 we are skilled and experienced in bringing about change in practice. You will benefit from our creative and professional focus.

Ian Dodds Consulting

Ian Dodds Consulting

A global IDC client has been presented with this prestigious award by a panel of Fortune 100 Companies for its culture change diversity and inclusion programme which IDC developed and has delivered for it to over 160 of its units in 5 continents.

Open Minds Consulting

Open Minds Consulting

Our vision is to bring about positive organisational and social change, thus enabling all individuals to reach their full potential. Our mission is to create a stimulating and challenging learning environment by which clients and members of the company are able to develop excellence in service delivery through training, consultancy and research.

Diversity and Discrimination - CIPD

Diversity and Discrimination - CIPD

The CIPD is your guarantee of training course quality. With over 135 training course titles there is something relevant and enjoyable for everyone.

Valuing Diversity in the workplace - Distance learning

Valuing Diversity in the workplace - Distance learning

The aims of this course are to examine the legal, regulatory and ethical considerations brought about by the changing society within which we live and to promote best practice in adopting, encouraging and managing diversity.

The Oatmeal Group

The Oatmeal Group

Diversity training and cultural Diversity training and education that is business-focused, job- relevant, skills-specific and flexibly delivered assists employees in understanding current workforce and marketplace realities and prepares them, their department, and their organization for success in today's rapidly changing and increasingly diverse business environment.

Actuate Learning

Actuate Learning

Actuate Learning & Development was incorporated in November 2004 and has quickly become one of the UK’s leading providers of specialist learning programmes. The company’s growth has been rapid with an ever expanding list of satisfied clients across a diverse range of organisations and industries. With excellent communication and facilitation skills our trainers have a unique training style. They are well informed, received and respected within their field and have a passion for building better teams and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations. Their combination of a focused, positive attitude and approachable style makes people want to be involved.

Rich Visions - Ethnic communications and outreach

Rich Visions - Ethnic communications and outreach

Rich Visions is the UK’s leading communications agency and consultancy offering expertise in all aspects of equality and diversity. We help organisations understand and embrace diversity and improve the equality of their offerings and the way they work day to day. We also plan and implement effective communications campaigns to enable organisations to engage with diverse and hard to reach groups.

Media Moguls - Ethnic marketing and PR agency

Media Moguls - Ethnic marketing and PR agency

Media Moguls - Ethnic marketing and PR agency